Baby Banana Bread Bundts

I am one of those apparently few who don’t really care for banana bread. I mean, I’ll eat it if I don’t have a choice, but it’s not something I go out of my way to get. I prefer apples. And it’s not an unpleasant food – I just don’t care for it. Cullen, on the other hand, loves the stuff. So when we had some bananas getting browner by the second laying on the counter, he asked me, “Can you make banana bread?” And when he got the look that says “um, duh, honey,” he shut up and put the banana in the freezer. About a week later, I took them out and started making banana bread so he would have something tasty and reasonably healthy to take to work with him. They were a stellar hit with him, and with his OIC, so good things all around.

(Recipe after the jump.)

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