Someone’s perfect pound cake.

Finally, things are starting to settle down. A new house is rapidly becoming home for us. Three pecan trees in the front – can’t wait for pecans to fall so we can roast and freeze and store them – and a fenced yard in the back for the two furry children, who are thrilled to have room to run and bushes to lay under. Hardwood floors, lots of closet space, and the kitchen – oh sweet kitchen. Open space, with windows to the front yard (and the elderly neighbors’ three acres of flower gardens). New and new-to-us appliances, barely used or loved – until now. I have a brand-new stove and chest freezer – the thrill! The chest freezer has gotten its love and is slowly accumulating frozen meats, unbaked baguettes and the remainder of my birthday DQ icecream cake. (Don’t hate.) And the range has gotten more than its share so far with plenty of sautéing, pan-frying and water-boiling going on. But the oven… the poor, neglected oven has yet to experience any baked goods, so far serving only to warm leftovers or food-gifts for a large family supper.

I wanted a recipe that would showcase my appreciation for this new appliance in my home, something that would fill the house with warmth and love. A banana nut bread thought popped up, but alas – no nuts in the house. A desire for popovers popped up one morning, but I can’t seem to find my regular muffin tins. Breads are intended, but mostly for freezing and baking later, and besides, we don’t need fresh bread right now. No other recipe spoke to me. What recipe would share that feeling I wanted in my house, the homey loving wanted feeling?

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